Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Thoughts

I am so excited this year to be able to sit down with our little boy tonight and read the Christmas Story! We want this to be a family tradition that can bring Christmas back to its true meaning. I would encourage everyone to take a few moments and share the story of Jesus with your kids. If parents are not putting Jesus first during this season, how can we expect our children to focus on anything but a comercialized Christmas? Another good way to share the Christmas Story with the family is by watching the movie "The Nativity" I cannot think of a more beautiful and accurate Christmas movie. It strikes me how poor and unassuming Mary and Joseph are in the movie. The parents of the King of Kings had nothing. They did not stand out in any special way except they were willing to follow wherever God took them. I hope to one day not only be able to pass on the Christmas Story to my children, but to impart in them a Christian heritage that allows them to be open to God's calling in their lives. Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. we have been reading the story of jesus christmas eve since I was a little girl Now I enjoy sharing this time with my boys what a great tradition to add to your family.
