Thursday, December 31, 2009

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

We often hear the comand for us to Love our Neighbors as Yourself, but do we really know what that means and do we really act on this? I have been afforded the uniqe opportunity this week to see this played out in our lives. As I posted earlier we have really been struggling since I lost my job the week of Thanksgiving, but we have also seen God's provision working through various people. This week we saw God work again through willing people. A church in Corocopalis, PA sent us some giftcards and money after hearing about our situation. We do not know these people nor have we ever met these people. They just heard about a need and decided that they would do something about it. They decided that they would treat us "the neighbors" the way that they would want to be treated. God is showing us generosity through so many different ways that I have to admit I did not think existed anymore. Thank you brothers and sisters of this dear churh that are living the life God called us all to live!

This event in our life has made me re-think my New Years Resolution this year. I know resolutions are kind of goofy, but lets admit that we all try to make them and keep them every year. This year I have decided not to make the same resolution to get fit, because that is something that kind of comes easy for me since I am one of those crazy people that actually likes to work out. No, this year my resolution is this: I want to be more aware of the needs of people around me and make it a natural part of life to offer help. I want to love my neighbors as I would myself and my own family. So I pray that of all my resolutions over the years that God will help me in this endeavor by giving me the discernment to know when there are tru needs and the resources to impact those lives.

Have a Happy New Year and may God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tiffany just wanted to ask you to share with others the opening of our new clipping service
